For more information on feeding a healthy raw diet, or to place an order, contact Jennifer Smith 801-721-7010
Our Mission Statement
I believe in the moral and ethical statements set forth by the AMSC with regard to the breed. I will do my best to adhere to those guidelines, without question. I will continue to strive to be an asset to the breed, by being actively involved in preserving the integrity and soundness of the American Miniature Schnauzer.
~Jennifer Smith
Just Point Photography
Click on any Link Below for Additional Information
A sincere thank you to all those who so graciously offered their mentorship, listening ear, teaching, and friendship. For your loyalty to the breed. For recognizing the dedication to the American Miniature Schnauzer that I already had when you extended your hand and knowledge to me. I am truly appreciative and will be forever grateful.
Team Utah
Carma Ewer "Carmel Miniature Schnauzers"
Jennifer Smith "Kimber Miniature Schnauzers"
Jenna Wright "Pinnacle Miniature Schnauzers"
Jane Nielsen "Rhapsody Miniature Schnauzers"
Our Champions and Future Champions: Past and Present
Should you have further questions or are searching for additional information, I am always open to Schnauzer talk. You will probably find, by talking with me, that you will go away with more information than you planned on! After all, education is key to finding that perfect match....